what's happening?
Don't miss our upcoming events:
LENT Reflections
Lent is a time to prepare our hearts as we look into the “spiritual” mirror to see how we’re reflecting Christ in our lives. Being like Jesus really has nothing to do with giving up chocolate. During this Lent sermon series as we prepare for Easter, we will be reflecting upon themes like temptation, confession, forgiveness, and community.
As the time of this reflection comes to an end, we will think deeply about Christ’s death on the cross during our Good Friday service and then rejoice with a Day of Celebration on Easter Sunday!

Youth Service Activity​​
Blessings of Hope
Wednesday, February 19
Serving at the Leola warehouse
(500 Becker Rd., Leola)
Service activity will be 6:30 - 9:00pm
drop-off/pickup times
@ church - 5:45/9:30pm
@ BOH - 6:15/9:00pm

Ephrata Community Meal
Thursday, March 6
​At Holy Trinity Lutheran
(167 E. Main St., Ephrata)
Servers - arrive by 5:30pm
Meal served at 6:00pm
Check at the table in the lobby
to sign up for volunteering to serve
or donating food.
All food items donated should
be brought to the church by
Sunday, March 2